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The Book

On shelves January 2018

Publisher Figure 1
Photographer Lindsay Nichols Photography
Cover picture of The Complete Plate

Complete Plate, The

120 Recipes • 30 Meal Plans • A Stronger, Healthier, and Happier You 


Food wellness is a term used to describe the ideal state for adopting healthy eating habits into a busy day-to-day life. When food wellness is achieved, the body and mind perform optimally.


The Complete Plate shows that weight maintenance, and weight loss, can be achieved through a balanced diet of ingredients that come together to meet both nutritional and caloric demands. Featuring meal plans for diets of 1,500, 2,000, and 2,500 calories, it is a collection of 30 meal plans with each day perfectly balanced to provide 100% of your daily macro and micro nutrient needs.*


The 90 recipes range from an indulgent “Coconut and Flax Seed French Toast” to a savory “Portobello and Prosciutto Pizza” to a nourishing “Creamy Corn, Ham, and Roast Pepper Chowder” and include additional snacks so that readers are satiated and energized throughout the day. The Complete Plate is a must-have for health-minded readers.


* Based on current daily recommended intake (DRI) values

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